Embassy Academy, a CBSE school in North Bangalore, conducts monthly Colour Day activities that transform learning into an exciting adventure. On Green Day, our pre-primary students dived into the world of green with enthusiasm and creativity. The day was all about exploring the vibrant hue of green through engaging activities designed to captivate young minds.
Excitement filled the air as students arrived dressed in various green outfits. Throughout the day, they explored and discovered the vibrant presence of green in nature and everyday objects around them.
Our young artists tapped into their imagination during the green craft session, where they explored the wonders of the colour through hands-on creativity. The project not only highlighted their artistic talents but also deepened their understanding of the environment.
Students also enjoyed a special snack time focused on green food. They discovered the importance of including green vegetables in their diet as they savored healthy treats like cucumbers, avocados, and kiwis. It was a day of discovery, where the colour green transformed into a world of endless possibilities.
Embassy Academy offers year-round admissions for Playschool through Grade 5. Enroll your child today at the premier school in Yelahanka and watch them flourish in an environment designed for excellence!